Raising my daughter after my wife died was one of the great challenges of my life. I learned about myself and how the world is viewed through the eyes of my daughter. Here I will post reflections on the trials and joys of being a Girl Dad.
King of Shadows: a Firefly Story
After the unsuccessful bone marrow transplant, we knew science and the gods had abandoned us. We could count our remaining time as a family in days, not years. So throughout those
When In Disgrace with Fortune: a Firefly Story
On a Saturday evening in October 2000, Kathleen and I giddily dressed, ready to celebrate the wedding of a dear friend. We knew that lives were about to be even more closely joined
The Silent Scream: a Firefly Story
Sonnet #116 was the first of Shakespeare’s that I memorized; the first I recited to Kathleen; the first reading at our wedding; and after “I love you,” they became the first
Something Good for Someone Else: a Firefly Story
Victoria pointed us to the path of acceptance and healing. We had a mission: to turn Kathleen’s death into something good for someone else.
Girl Dad: A Firefly Story
I know the exact moment I graduated from being a father to being a Girl Dad. The date was June 27, 2001, three months after Victoria's 11th birthday.
Reading Shakespeare: A Firefly Story
Perhaps the most revelatory moment in Victoria’s reading life happened when she was seven. This was the day I knew Victoria was smarter than me.
The Drop Off: A Firefly Story
Once Kathleen passed away, I had one singular focus. How do I get Victoria, who was understandably crushed, to the steps of a college.